The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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H#: 46415 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
18-May-90 15:36:00
Sb: #45866-Compiler out of memory
Fm: Mason Landstreet 71220,1547
To: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214 (X)
Thanks Barry,
The graphics question was jus a curiosity. I realize that the apps won't run
without an 8087 if I use the FP87 library but since I do not let them in the
door without a co-processor that doesn't matter. (Like I said in the first
message 80x87 is not an OPTION.) I use 43 line mode most of the time (even in
DOS) but I can probably live without it to get a compile and link.
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H#: 46779 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
20-May-90 14:09:03
Sb: #46197-#PBPLUS96
Fm: AL MUSELLA 76114,637
To: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214 (X)
I'll try anything - I would really like to get PBPLUS working.
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H#: 46851 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
21-May-90 03:37:44
Sb: #46779-PBPLUS96
Fm: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214
To: AL MUSELLA 76114,637 (X)
Ok. I really do not know whay it will not work on your machine. Bob --- can you
come up with a simple test for Al?
--- Barry
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H#: 46348 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
18-May-90 09:05:51
Sb: #46315-PW200D & DBLOW.BOX
Fm: Tim McFarland 71530,2640
To: DOUG MILLER 73757,1300 (X)
Doug, If you could send me the code thats causeing you grief, I would like to
take a look at it. Just E-mail directly to me, and will get you up and running
as soon as possible. Tim.
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H#: 46364 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
18-May-90 10:57:50
Sb: #Comm. with COM2:
Fm: Harry Whitehouse 71611,1122
To: [F] Spectra Support 75300,214 (X)
I think this is more of a system problem rather than a PB problem. I am
ttrying to write a PB routine to dial a phone number on an internal modem card.
I use the card configured as COM2: all the time with PROCOMM. However when I
try to open COM2: from PB I get an error 68 - device un available. When I open
COM1: I get a device timeout (which I would expect as there is nothing on that
Maybe this problem is unique to my 80386 machine. However, I don't under
sstand why PROCOMM can "see" COM2: and PB can't.
Anybody have any ideas?
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H#: 46408 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
18-May-90 15:01:56
Sb: #46364-Comm. with COM2:
Fm: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214
To: Harry Whitehouse 71611,1122 (X)
you don't have a NEC machine, do you? Reason I ask is I found that it has a
non true com port.
The device timeout can be gotten around with
Open "Com1:9600,N,7,1,rs,cs0,ds0,cd0" as #32 len 1
Then, there is not need for a on error for the com port.
As far as your com port 2 goes... using procom, select Alt-S and ComPort. Then
Port Addresses... Tell us what the address for port 2 is..It should be 2F8
--- Barry
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H#: 46464 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
18-May-90 21:36:21
Sb: #.asm --> PB
Fm: B Jones 76166,2542
To: 76304,1303 (X)
Can you give me a little more info on returning values that require use of the
80x87 top of stack register from an .asm program when no 80x87 is present? Can
it currently be done? Will we be able to do it sometime in the future? Will I
win the lottery?
Brett Jones
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H#: 46530 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
19-May-90 07:24:14
Sb: #46464-.asm --> PB
Fm: Bob Zale: PowerBASIC R&D 76304,1303
To: B Jones 76166,2542 (X)
If you are compiling for an 8087, it poses no problem at all. However,
without one, it's much tougher. While PowerBASIC will recognize and execute
emulated 8087 opcodes just fine, the linker does not supply the "fixup"
constants required to "fixup" the emulation codes expected by some assemblers
(notably TASM/MASM). For now, there are two possibilities: 1. Hard code the
emulation opcodes in your assembler code (using db's) or 2. return the floating
point value in a parameter to the SUB/FUNCTION. We will be adding these fixup
constants in the next version of PowerBASIC. As to the lottery, I've heard it's
a sure thing when you promise to share the winnings with the folks around here
! ! <g>
Bob Zale (PowerBASIC R&D)
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H#: 46621 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
19-May-90 15:26:50
Sb: #Comm. with COM2:
Fm: Harry Whitehouse 71611,1122
To: [F] Spectra Support 75300,214 (X)
Barry, Thanks for the reply. I don't have a NEC machine-- I have a Micronics
motherboard in a clone-like machine.
Procomm indeed shows that COM2: is at base address 0x2F8 with IRQ3. COM1: is
shown at 0x3F8 with IRQ4.
I use PROCOMM on COM2: to communicate with this BB. I've tried my code with
various permutations but always get an error 68 when attempting to open COM2:
If no one else has seen this, I'll try my modem card in another machine.
Thanks again, Harry
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H#: 46850 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
21-May-90 03:37:40
Sb: #46621-Comm. with COM2:
Fm: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214
To: Harry Whitehouse 71611,1122
Com2 should not be a problem for you since 2f8 and irq3 are the standards and
that is exactuly what mine is. I do a Open "Com2:9600,n,8,1,rs,cs0,ds0,cd0" as
ComNum Len = 1" I two program I use.
Could you double check this again... you are using 2.00b, aren't you?
--- Barry
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H#: 46848 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
21-May-90 02:24:59
Sb: #DELKEY problem
Fm: George Green 70565,276
To: Sysop/all (X)
Barry, Bob, Tim, Anyone...
Here's a liitle problem I can't seem to get past involving Barry's
FINDFILE/FINDNEXT unit and DELKEY.BOX from the TBASIC database toolkit:
I originally wrote a program in TB that reads-in all files with a certain
extension to upgrade a large data-base. Barry's Find...Next routine is
used to fetch the source files. Sometimes the source files are
ment to delete the data they contain from within the data-base. This
option is selected at run-time. The delete option works fine in its
original TURBO BASIC form but crashes in DELKEY.BOX, Sub Deletekey at
line 132 (below)...
dbCurBf(DataSet) = dbCurBf
...with error 9, subscript out of range.
The only difference between the TB and PV versions is I've converted
the findfile/findnext functions that were in the TB sig to the unit
version that is in this sig. I've used Barry's unit file in other programs
with no problems ('tho none use the delete key sub).
If I'm not deleting something from the data-base, such as adding or
checking for files, there's no problem. I've applied the toolkit
patches from Tim, and both the fix files for the compiler.
Any ideas?...George Green
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H#: 46854 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
21-May-90 04:25:14
Sb: #46848-DELKEY problem
Fm: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214
To: George Green 70565,276
Is DBCurBf DIMmed AND Either Shared (if not passed between units) or PUBLIC(in
the main) AND EXTERNAL (in a unit) if used within a Unit? That should be the
only readon for this and also check for the right type... dbCurBf%(dataSet%)
should be used IF you do not have a DEFINT a-z statement in there. If you do
have a Defint a-z, make sure it is before anything else that may need it.
--- Barry
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H#: 46871 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
21-May-90 07:50:42
Fm: DOUG MILLER 73757,1300
To: Steven Snyder 76357,1574
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H#: 46881 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
21-May-90 08:46:50
Sb: #46871-DBLOW.BOX PW200D.INC
Fm: Tim McFarland 71530,2640
To: DOUG MILLER 73757,1300
Here you go Doug. Send your code to: Technical Support Spectra Publishing
1030D East Duane Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Thanks, Tim.
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